Disposable Humanity (dir/prod; David T. Mitchell, Cameron S. Mitchell), one family’s exploration into the history of the Nazi Aktion T4…Continue readingWORLD PREMIERE: DISPOSABLE HUMANITY, Slamdance 2025
Out of 180 films eligible for the 97th Academy Awards, The Ice Cream Man (dir: Robert Moniot, producer: Robert Moniot,…Continue readingEmerging Filmmaker Contest Winner, THE ICE CREAM MAN, Shortlisted for Oscar
The Spoils (dir: Jamie Kastner, prod: Laura Baron Kastner) a documentary following the story of Max Stern, an art dealer…Continue readingClaims Conference Films in the News
The Girl From Salonika (dir/prod: Alison Wilson), the story of Mazaltov ‘Fofo’ Behar, a 17-year-old Greek girl deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau…Continue readingTHE GIRL FROM SALONIKA to Screen at La Model Memorial in Barcelona
Following its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival this past spring, The Most Precious of Cargoes (dir: Michel Hazanavicius, prod:…Continue readingTHE MOST PRECIOUS OF CARGOES Begins European Theatrical Run
The Stamp Thief (dir: Dan Sturman, prod: Dylan Nelson, Gary Gilbert, Dan Sturman) will world premiere on Jan. 9 at…Continue readingTHE STAMP THIEF at Palm Springs International Film Festival – World Premiere
Based on true accounts, June Zero (dir: Jake Paltrow, prod: David Silbur, Oren Moverman, Miranda Bailey) tells the story of…Continue readingJUNE ZERO Screening at Center for Jewish History
Troll Storm (dir: Eunice Lau, prod: Yasu Inoue, Zachary Kerschberg, Eunice Lau, Brooke Swaney), winner of the 2024 Woodstock Film…Continue readingTROLL STORM, Woodstock Film Festival Award Winner, Now Available on VOD
Neshoma is the Yiddish-Hebrew word for soul or spirit. In Nesjomme (dir: Sandra Beerends, prod: Floor Onrust), this refers to…Continue readingWorld Premiere: NESJOMME at IDFA in Amsterdam