Sevap/Mitzvah receives a Humanitas Prize

Sevap/Mitzvah (dir: Sabina Vajraca, producers: Sabina Vajraca, Kerim Masovic) was awarded a Humanitas Prize. The film is about a Muslim woman in…Continue readingSevap/Mitzvah receives a Humanitas Prize

Vishniac at the 26º Festival de Cinema Judaico

Vishniac (dir: Laura Bialis, producers: Laura Bialis, Roberta Grossman) screened at the 2023 26º Festival de Cinema Judaico. The film portrays the…Continue readingVishniac at the 26º Festival de Cinema Judaico

Sevap / Mitzvah at the Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival and the HollyShorts Film Festival 

Sevap / Mitzvah (director-producer: Sabina Vajrača) screened at the 2023 HollyShorts Film Festival and the 2023 Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival. Sevap /…Continue readingSevap / Mitzvah at the Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival and the HollyShorts Film Festival 

3 films at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

Claims Conference supported films The Wild One (dir: Tessa Louise-Salomé, producers: Tessa Louise-Salomé, Chantal Perrin), Vishniac (dir: Laura Bialis, producer: Roberta Grossman)…Continue reading3 films at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

3 Films at the Jerusalem Film Festival

Claims Conference supported films The Return from the Other Planet (dir: Assaf Lapid, producer: Naomi Levari), Charlotte Salmon: Life and the…Continue reading3 Films at the Jerusalem Film Festival

The Return from the Other Planet at Filmfest München

The Return from the Other Planet (dir: Assaf Lapid, producer: Naomi Levari) screened at the 2023 Filmfest München. The Return from the…Continue readingThe Return from the Other Planet at Filmfest München

5 films at Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg

Claims Conference supported films The Rhapsody (dir: David Hoffert, producer: Brenda Hoffert) and The Wild One (dir: Tessa Louise-Salomé, producers:…Continue reading5 films at Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg

3 films at the Toronto Jewish Film Festival

Claims Conference supported films June Zero (dir: Jake Paltrow, producer: David Silber), Sabotage (dir: Noa Aharoni, producer: Levi Zini), Vishniac…Continue reading3 films at the Toronto Jewish Film Festival

The Palmnicken Tradgedy at the Shanghai International Film Festival

The Palmnicken Tragedy (dir: Andrey Proskuryakov, producers: Anna Adamskaya and Anastasia Velskaya) screened at the 2023 Shanghai International Film Festival. The…Continue readingThe Palmnicken Tradgedy at the Shanghai International Film Festival