The Boy in the Woods at Toronto International Film Festival

The Claims Conference supported film The Boy in the Woods (dir: Rebecca Snow, producer: Robert Budreau) was one of the…Continue readingThe Boy in the Woods at Toronto International Film Festival

Sevap/Mitzvah receives a Humanitas Prize

Sevap/Mitzvah (dir: Sabina Vajraca, producers: Sabina Vajraca, Kerim Masovic) was awarded a Humanitas Prize. The film is about a Muslim woman in…Continue readingSevap/Mitzvah receives a Humanitas Prize

2 Claims Conference supported projects awarded grants by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Two Claims Conference supported projects: Elie Wiesel: Soul on Fire (director: Oren Rudavsky, producers: Oren Rudavsky, Avital Mandil) and My…Continue reading2 Claims Conference supported projects awarded grants by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Vishniac at the 26º Festival de Cinema Judaico

Vishniac (dir: Laura Bialis, producers: Laura Bialis, Roberta Grossman) screened at the 2023 26º Festival de Cinema Judaico. The film portrays the…Continue readingVishniac at the 26º Festival de Cinema Judaico

Sevap / Mitzvah at the Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival and the HollyShorts Film Festival 

Sevap / Mitzvah (director-producer: Sabina Vajrača) screened at the 2023 HollyShorts Film Festival and the 2023 Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival. Sevap /…Continue readingSevap / Mitzvah at the Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival and the HollyShorts Film Festival 

3 films at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

Claims Conference supported films The Wild One (dir: Tessa Louise-Salomé, producers: Tessa Louise-Salomé, Chantal Perrin), Vishniac (dir: Laura Bialis, producer: Roberta Grossman)…Continue reading3 films at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

3 Films at the Jerusalem Film Festival

Claims Conference supported films The Return from the Other Planet (dir: Assaf Lapid, producer: Naomi Levari), Charlotte Salmon: Life and the…Continue reading3 Films at the Jerusalem Film Festival

The Return from the Other Planet at Filmfest München

The Return from the Other Planet (dir: Assaf Lapid, producer: Naomi Levari) screened at the 2023 Filmfest München. The Return from the…Continue readingThe Return from the Other Planet at Filmfest München

5 films at Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg

Claims Conference supported films The Rhapsody (dir: David Hoffert, producer: Brenda Hoffert) and The Wild One (dir: Tessa Louise-Salomé, producers:…Continue reading5 films at Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg