999: The Forgotten Girls (dir: Heather Dune Macadam, producer: Jane Schonberger), which chronicles the untold story of 999 Slovak girls…Continue reading999: The Forgotten Girls wins Best Documentary
The documentary The European Dream (dir: Mooly Landesman, producers: Mooly and Tslil Landesman) will be broadcast on January 24th at 21:15 PM (IST) on Israeli TV Channel…Continue readingThe European Dream on Israeli TV
The Claims Conference supported films 999: The Forgotten Girls (dir: Heather Dune Macadam, producer: Jane Schonberger), The Boy in the Woods…Continue reading12 films at the Miami Jewish Film Festival
The Claims Conference supported films 999: The Forgotten Girls (dir: Heather Dune Macadam, producer: Jane Schonberger), GIADO (dir: Golan Rise,…Continue reading3 films at the New York Jewish Film Festival
The documentary The Shoshani Riddle (director and producer: Michael Grynszpan) was awarded the Best Documentary in 2023 by the Israeli Critics Association. The…Continue readingThe Shoshani Riddle Wins Award for Best Documentary
999: The Forgotten Girls (dir: Heather Dune Macadam, producer: Jane Schonberger) had its world premiere at the 2023 Hamptons Doc…Continue reading999: The Forgotten Girls World Premiere
Congratulations to David T. Mitchell and Cameron S. Mitchell, the father son duo co-directing Disposable Humanity, on receiving a NYSCA…Continue readingDisposable Humanity Awarded NYSCA Grant
Two Claims Conference supported projects Revenge: Our Dad the Nazi Killer (dir: Danny Ben-Moshe, producer: Danny Ben-Moshe, Lizzette Atkins) and Visniac (dir:…Continue reading2 films at the UK Jewish Film Festival
June Zero (dir: Jake Paltrow, producers: David Silbur, Oren Moverman, Miranda Bailey) screened at the Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival. June Zero looks at…Continue readingJune Zero at the Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival