June Zero (dir: Jake Paltrow, producer: David Silber) and The Wild One (dir: Tessa Louise-Salomé, producers: Tessa Louise-Salomé and Chantal…Continue reading2 films at the JxJ DC Jewish Film x Music Festival
Vishniac (dir: Laura Bialis, producer: Roberta Grossman) screened at the 2023 Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival. Vishniac tells the story…Continue readingVishniac at the Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival
Baltic Truth (dir: Eugene Levin & Andrej Hramcovs, producer: Eugene Levin) was broadcast on national television in Israel on Channel 13 (Reshet…Continue readingBaltic Truth on Channel 13
Baltic Truth (dir: Eugene Levin & Andrej Hramcovs, producer: Eugene Levin) was awarded Best Documentary at the 2023 Boca Raton…Continue readingBaltic Truth Wins Best Documentary
Baltic Truth (dir: Eugene Levin & Andrej Hramcovs, producer: Eugene Levin) screened at the Palm Springs Jewish Film Festival. Baltic Truth exposes the tragic events…Continue readingBaltic Truth at the Palm Springs Jewish Film Festival
The Claims Conference supported project Where is Anne Frank (dir: Ari Folman, producer: Jani Thiltges) screened at CPH:DOX. Where is Anne Frank…Continue readingWhere is Anne Frank at CPH:DOX
The premiere of Remember This (dir: Jeff Hutchens & Derek Goldman, producer: Eva Anisko) broadcast on PBS and was part…Continue readingRemember This PBS Premiere
Adam & Ida – Almost a Fairytale (dir: Jan Tenhaven, producer: Olaf Jacobs) and Berenshtein (dir: Roman Shumunov, producer: Emanuel Shechte ) screened at…Continue reading2 films at the Denver Jewish Film Festival
Baltic Truth (dir: Eugene Levin & Andrej Hramcovs, producer: Eugene Levin), June Zero (dir: Jake Paltrow, producer: David Silber), Remember…Continue reading5 films at the Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival