5 films at Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg

Claims Conference supported films The Rhapsody (dir: David Hoffert, producer: Brenda Hoffert) and The Wild One (dir: Tessa Louise-Salomé, producers: Tessa Louise-Salomé, Chantal Perrin) screened in the YidLife on Screen and Jack Garfein Hommage sections of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg. The films Sabotage (dir: Noa Aharoni, producer: Levi Zini), Charlotte Salomon, Life and the Maiden (dir: Delphine Coulin and Muriel Coulin, producer: Yaël Fogiel), and June Zero (dir: Jake Paltrow, producer: David Silber) competed in the Documentary Competition and Narrative Feature Competition of the JFFBB respectively.